The affiliate program for everlense partners

As an entrepreneur or company in the wedding industry, you can add a new trendy product to your range with an official everlense partnership.

Mockup Affiliate Programm von everlense

Recommend everlense and benefit

As an official everlense partner, you can recommend us with your personal affiliate code. This not only expands your offer with a digital photo tool that offers real added value and creates memories. You will also receive a commission on sales.

Offer your customers new added value
You recommend, we do the rest
Uncomplicated commission

1. Apply for an affiliate code

E-Mail us to and apply to become an official everlense partner.

2. Recommend everlense

As an official everlense partner, you will receive an individual affiliate code that you can pass on to wedding couples to refer them.

3. Receive commission

If a customer you have referred uses your affiliate code in the checkout, you will receive a share of the sales.

Apply for a partnership now

E-Mail us to and apply for an official partnership.

Apply now